A large North American bank

Condensing the annual training programme into shorter, more engaging learning modules.

The challenge:
With privacy incidents and security breaches on the rise, the bank is mandated to create an annual robust training programme for all employees. However, the existing Privacy and Information Security training material was too long and learners were not retaining the technical information as well as they could. In addition, the same course material needed to be relevant for new hires and to act as a refresher for existing staff.

The solution:
The bank tasked Eukleia with reworking the longer content into four courses of shorter chunks to facilitate increased retention of the material.
The courses utilised engaging narrated infographics for a simulation-based format.
Each chapter begins by testing learner understanding in real-world scenarios. Learners must choose which action to take, requiring them to show an understanding of the right behaviours rather than the ability to regurgitate regulatory language.
Learners with previous knowledge are able to fast-track through the content by selecting the best response in each situation and will only receive a reinforcement summary of the optimal scenario behaviours.